Man, it has been an unbelievable 6 months! I am so thankful for raw foods!
Before this journey, I was living on foods that were far from optimal. Not only did I eat cooked (dead) food, but I ate some of the worst kinds. I had a mighty sweet tooth, which attracted me to processed sweets. I ate more icecream than you could ever imagine... icecream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm not making this up, you can ask any of my friends! It's not a good thing when the lady at Dairy Queen knows who you are and what you order!!! I also ate lots of milk chocolate and LOTS of pasta and white rice,,, along with snacks like crackers, roasted nuts, and pretzels. I did not EVER eat greens and I rarely ate fruit. I was not fat, but definitely bloated and I was not very happy.
I have struggled with depression for a few years of my life (I was even diagnosed with it, whatever that means!) and I have honestly hated myself and my life... Thankfully I found rock climbing and it saved me by giving me a reason to live! But even with climbing there were times here and there where the unhappiness would come back, but I could usually snap out of it.
When I found out about raw foods, I was a little sketched out by it... It seemed a little radical to me, but I couldn't stop researching it! I was addicted to the information! I remember spending literally weeks staying up until the wee hours in the morning researching.

Then I would go grocery shopping and start adding more fruit to the basket... I was going to do a 30 day trial starting the next month, but the more i researched, the more I couldn't wait! I started it ASAP and never turned back! My life changed RADICALLY!
I feel like I am on a constant high!!! I used to have to use *other things* to achieve this! I remember after the initial detox of being raw, I was VERY high. I couldn't stop laughing! For weeks... no joke... the smile could not be wiped from my face!!! I felt so ALIVE and so REAL, it was out of this world!
I still feel the buzzing high!!! However, since my body is pretty used to raw foods now, I do get negative feelings sometimes (for a couple minutes out of a day) but its all about the yin and the yang, you know? I feel more good feelings than bad, which is what keeps me high!

I lost around 15 pounds of uneeded weight. Because of this, my strength-to-weight ratio has increased, causing me to totally CRUSH for climbing!!! I feel stronger than I ever have in my LIFE! I feel like I am FLOATING on the rock!!! Many people have come up to me over the last 6 months in shock, asking questions like "You look great, are you doing something different?" or "you are looking really solid when you climb these days!" or "Theres something different about you... its a good thing though!?" and so on...

My attitude towards life is better than it ever has been. I feel a strong connection with Nature, and it has made me a generally happy person. I can FEEL the good vibrations dancing around me!
Life has never been better! I am so proud of myself for finding this lifestyle and STICKING TO IT! It takes some determination at first, but then it just turns into a reality that is irreversible.
Now when I see foods like icecream or pasta, I don't even see them as being edible. My mom bakes hundreds of cookies and dozens of breads over the holiday season, and the sweet aroma fills the house, but not ONCE does my mouth salivate or am I the least bit attracted to the desserts.
Instead, I pick up a bunch of ripe bananas and eat them one by one, enjoying the sugar that Nature INTENDED for us to eat. Uncooked, Unprocessed, Alive, and DELICIOUS.
I love raw foods, and I don't know where I would be without it.
Thanks for supporting me! I went through a period of time where people were attacking me for my diet (there are still some here and there) but overall people are finally starting to realize how I am changing my life. I am laughing and almost crying as I type this... laughing because I'm just so happy to have found this lifestyle, and crying at the fact that I SHOWED ALL THOSE PEOPLE THAT I COULD DO IT! People were saying I would be weak... that I couldn't do it... that I would be deficient. NOPE. I am THRIVING, and I look forward to continuing my raw food journey!

Ash, you're looking and sounding just great. I LOVE the watermellon photo.....I can just imagine you with that whole thing on your lap, slurping it down while watching the latest Sharma 5.15 video for an hour. One more triple C comp next week?? Hit the boulders hard and have a great holiday.
your inspiring.
im trying so hard.
this way of life is so hard.
but i know its the right way.
i keep coming back to it.
i hope to one day be where you are.
thanks for the posts.
your friend.
Thank you Woody!
yes, one more triple crown! I'm PSYCHED!
ANONYMOUS, who are you?! =) thank you for your comment!
Congrats on reaching your 6-month anniversary!!! You've made some amazing progress. Your photos are great! We were at a relatives house for the weekend and people couldn't understand how I wasn't even tempted by the smells. It's just not "real" food, you know? Soon you'll realize it's your 1-yr anniversary. Good luck over the next 6 months :)
Congratulations! You are such an inspiration, you know that? Also, I love the pictures you posted with the fruit and veggies - you are a natural beauty!
Who knows, because of people like you, maybe someday I'll go raw!
Hey Ash, came across your site and wanted to tell you how much you inspire me! I've been on and off the raw vegan diet all year, but have decided to really stay dedicated to it this time! I'm super excited. :O) I also was pretty intrigued with the fact that you're studying art.I've been toying with going to Art school as well. Have you had people try to tell you you can't make money with studying art? That's a negative vibe I'm getting from my own family. How did you overcome it? Anyway, congrats and keep up the good work girl! I'm totally motivated by you! *grin* Melissa
Hey Ash, came across your site and wanted to tell you how much you inspire me! I've been on and off the raw vegan diet all year, but have decided to really stay dedicated to it this time! I'm super excited. :O) I also was pretty intrigued with the fact that you're studying art.I've been toying with going to Art school as well. Have you had people try to tell you you can't make money with studying art? That's a negative vibe I'm getting from my own family. How did you overcome it? Anyway, congrats and keep up the good work girl! I'm totally motivated by you! *grin* Melissa
I love you Ash!! Congrats on the 6 months!! :) Keep it up, you're so strong! You're blog is on my favorites tab. :) You're my inspiration for RAW Food, and I keep coming back to it- it's just so hard.
Good work! I know how hard going Raw can be, especially when it's those winter months and all you want is something warm in your stomach. Keep it up girl ( :
Imagine how tough it would be U.R,to stay focused on the raw veges with all that tempting pizza'Nstuff at Miguels all summer long.
I do not get cravings for cooked foods. ESPCIALLY pizza. It's just not worth it. It looks good but the results are not.
I was just at the red and it wasnt even NEAR tempting.
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