Thursday, May 27, 2010

salad craze

As most of you know, I follow a high fruit, low fat diet.... and I base my calories from heaps and heaps of fruit. I typically don't eat A TON of greens, as I am simply not attracted to them on a constant basis. I just listen to my body and eat what my body craves...(notice i said BODY and not MIND!) However, there are definitely times when i crave greens, and when I do, i usually go crazy with them! I've been really enjoying a daily salad for dinner and I dream about it all day. Here is one I had tonight:
spinach-avocado salad with spring corn and zesty cilantro:
-white & yellow corn
-alfalfa sprouts



Anonymous said...

Ha! I just posted about salad too. Must be something in the air. :) Full moon?

Sarah said...

The salads are looking good...all except for the avocado and cilantro. I haven't been able to tolerate either of them very well since becoming pregnant :~)

Jasmine Cohen said...

Do you dress your salad with anything or you enjoy it as is?

Also, congrats on the 2 year anniversary!

badash said...

Jasmine, I usually enjoy my salad as is, especially if there is avocado to make it creamy...