Wednesday, July 08, 2009

a few more pictures....

Here are some pics from a few days ago that i never uploaded:

a cool v6 in squamish... hardest send on the trip for me:

The hardest v4 on the planet... called "easy in an easy chair" ...even the guidebook says "theres nothing easy about this problem!"

Tim working his project, Worm World Cave. He's so close!

eating papaya in the "yellow submarine"


Omegachuck said...

You 2 look so at peace with the rain and the world in general! It's so hard to come home froma great road trip. Don't you love how the sun seems to be more intense in a yellow tent?

Unknown said...

Wow, awesome pics! How long have you been on a high fruit raw diet?


badash said...


I have been 100% raw (and mostly fruitarian) for a little over a year now. Life has never been better!!!

Omegachuck said...

Ash,just wondered... does Tim also share the 100% raw diet or does he get to cheat with cheese and sausage pizza carryout each night?

Unknown said...

Awesome! :)

badash said...


Tim eats high raw. It changes now and then, but he usually eats at least 2 raw meals a day... starting with a smoothie for breakfast. He is mostly vegan with the exception of fish. He definitely watches what he eats and he is healthier than most people i know!!! He eats a lot of fruit with me. =)