It is basically all I want!
Yesterday I drank about 96 fluid ounces... that is about a half gallon and 2 pints!
I finally have been able to eat smoothies again (there was a short period of time where I couldn't stand bananas on their own OR in a smoothie.... now I can stand them in a green smoothie with spinach, but I still cannot stand them on their own.)
I had a good session at the climbing gym yesterday. I climbed with Colette McInerney and Joe Kinder.... they are both so ridiculously strong! and down to earth, i love them!
Today I went to get prints made of my art. I made prints of this piece:

If you would like one, I sell prints for $25 and I'd be glad to send you one! =)
I am very excited because in about an hour my best friend Josh is coming over with his girlfriend Kristin (also one of the coolest people ever) They are eating dinner with us. Not to mention, my brother came home from McCallie (his boarding high school in chattanooga) and his friend from Germany is staying with us over the Holidays. My mom is making the typical dinner for everyone.... ribs and potatoes and broccoli and corn.... but I made something else for Kristin and I (Kristen used to be vegan and raw and she is vegetarian...) I pretty much made this up as I went along, but it is basically a blend between a slaw and a salad:
-a bed of lettuce with a mixture of:
-grated jicama
-grated fuji apple
-chopped celery
-chopped cucumber
-juice of 1 lemon and 1 lime and the extra juice from the grated apple
-raisins sprinkled on top
The grated jicama and apple made almost a very thick moist slaw type of thing... and so i was thinking that with the bed of lettuce we can just take a few spoonfulls of the meal and put it on top of the lettuce... then we can sprinkle raisins and maybe even pecans or something! It is very sweet! I really hope Kristin enjoys it!
I will definitely post pictures later. =)
That recipe sounds good. I haven't thought of putting apple and jicama together. Let us know how it turns out.
I'm glad you are getting prints done. I'm thinking about taking that step soon.
I was just about to ask here what kind of holiday dinner special you would enjoy over the next few days. I figured a crispy red and green holiday salad would be perfect, full of red peppers, radishes and your favorite greens and seasonings.
35 below wind chill here today. Hope you enjoy your holiday together. Woodchuck
Get Strong Ash - and get good at Crimpers...and long moves =)
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