Saturday, September 06, 2008

spinach high

I feel like I never have time to post everything I want to say on here.

I always have so much to say and then when I sit down to type, I forget... everything...


The other day, my dad bought me a bunch of food. He must've been in a really good mood because he bought me EVERYTHING ORGANIC!!!!! I was totally psyched, considering I usually get by with convential produce.

Anyways, he bought me a HUUUUUGE box of spinach. Like... HUGE. The expiration date on it is TODAY... so for 3-4 days, I had to eat spinach with every meal. I ate ridiculous amounts of spinach. I made GINORMOUS green smoothies and ate big spinach salads.

...and you know what?! i still have most of it left. It was like whenever I picked up a couple handfulls from it, it looked like I didnt even touch it. It is never ending! ha ha!

A couple days ago I could swear I was high from spinach. I went to the climbing gym and I felt like I was floating. I was really light and it felt like all my senses were enhanced. Everything was bright, and everyone was like, "Man ash, you are HYPER! What did you eat!?" SPINACH! haha.

My friend told me I must've been on an iron high. ha ha!


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

MMMMMMmmmmmmm. Spinach is my favorite green!

RawCaribeña said...

Hey Badash,

Did you make spinach smoothies with mango? It is sooooooo good.

Take care!!

Daniel Brayack said...

I love spinach too - much better than any kind of lettuce - you really should start growing your OWN - its super rad - and of course, since its still alive - you can just keep it until you eat it...

Sarah said...

I read somewhere that you can freeze the spinach leaves before they go bad and use them for your smoothies. I haven't tried it myself, but a friend has. It'll keep you from having to compost any that you can't eat in time.

Omegachuck said...

Now you're talkin MY kind of greens. Went from canned spinach as a kid to the REAL thing;some big fat handfuls on whole wheat bread. Handfuls out of the bag for a snack. Replace lettuce in salads. Bedding for a plate full of fruit salad. AND of course, loaded up on a freshly made Miguels pizza.

Lisa said...

Congratulations! 100 Days Raw! No wonder you're feeling so light and bright. About the spinach... have you tried juicing it? Its YUM with orange juice, and as you probably already know, Vitamin C helps with the uptake of iron. Go Popeye!!!
Take care, LisaNZ