Monday, August 18, 2008


....or should i say RAWKIN!? lol

anyways, this weekend was incredible!

On Saturday, I drove to Chattanooga to drop my brother off at his high school. My parents were staying in a hotel, but my climbing coach kidnapped me and brought me climbing.


After arriving in Chattanooga, my coach picked me up and we hit the climbing gym. I was pretty much just messing around, i wasn't feeling my best because I was verrrry dehydrated, but it was still really fun and I LOVE that little gym!

I stayed at Nicole and Steve's house and Nicole made THE BEST RAW VEGAN SUSHI EVER! like.. seriously, it was amazing. it had some sort of patte in it and some sprouts and other stuff. It was the best raw food I've ever had!

(and yeahhhh i know, I know, it totally wasn't 80/10/10 but I make excuses for when my raw food buddies - the ones who got me into it - make a delicious raw food dinner that they invite me to! YA FEEL ME!?)


This day was amazing! We went climbing (bouldering) outside at a boulderfield near Little Rock City. Once I was warmed up, I felt reallllly strong.

Usually at this time of the year, bouldering outside pretty much sucks due to the heat and humidty.... and it usually causes me to have lots of high gravity days. But this season has so far proved me wrong. My first two trips of "bouldering" season have been amazing, and I feel like this climbing season will be the best yet.

(for those of you who don't climb, bouldering season is in fall/winter/spring -- and bouldering is basically a type of climbing where you don't climb with a rope -- free flowing movements on a short boulder. Bouldering can be much harder than climbing with a rope, because the movements are usually EXTREMELY powerful and committing.)

Anyways, I did 2 climbs that I feel especially proud of. Here are a couple pictures (they do not do the climbs justice, as you could imagine, but they are still pretty good shots!)

This problem was especially hard.... a really proud send, to say the least! The moves were amazing!

This one was especially CLASSIC. This shot shows me reaching out the small roof to the first hard move of the problem. (actually the hard part is matching your hands without swinging out and falling!)

and not to mention, I was fueled by bananas and dates during the day, with a mango for breakfast. RAW FOOD ENERGY!!!!!


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Great pics Ash! Thanks for posting. I love learning about climbing. I've always wanted to do that. Someday maybe, when my weight/strength ratio gets better.
Pixy Lisa

Omegachuck said...

And nobody can follow those routes now because of all the banana peels left underneath it!!
Sound like a good LRC workout on Sunday. Must have been tiring as it took until Wednesday to post the weekend climbs. Ya!

Cora said...

Wow, you look GREAT!

sarabethxvx said...

you are a maniac! awesome! I am so impressed by your upper body strength!

badash said...

Thanks guys, you are awesome.

omegachuck, ha ha I follow Leave No Trace -- I don't leave banana peals under the rock!!!!! and it actually wasn't LRC this time --- but it's close to it!

Omegachuck said...

Soo, you eat the peelings too,is that it? Looking strong there girl. Keep it up all fall.

badash said...

haha gross! no i pack them out!

Omegachuck said...

And, and, then you use them back at home in some messy fruit smoothie I bet. Greens and banana peels. You know, they smoked dried banana peels back in the tie dye
60's. Ha!

Sarah said...

Those pictures are amazing! Thanks for sharing :) It's great how our body performs so well on bananas, dates, and mangoes (some of my favorite foods)!!!

Sarah said...

OMG! How do you not FALL!? If I was your mum, I would have a heart attack. You are so amazing.

Thanks for the kindness on my page! I just finished my notes for chapter two and will post it up today or tomorrow. Things are busy getting the kids ready for school and it takes me some time to update the information to 2008 statistics, but I hope to get a chapter out every few days. The China Study will totally blow your mind. I hope your enjoy my Sarah's Shorts until you can get your hands on the book. (Haha, I just named them. Sarah's Shorts!)

Autumn said...

You are so damn cute! In a hot way :-) ... sorry I'll shut up now!

HiHoRosie said...

Rock on Ash! You're looking good climbing up those rocks. And yeah, I make allowances for food people have made me, esp RAW FOOD! Great weekend for sure!