Thursday, January 08, 2009

Days 7 and 8

I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was going to, but then my internet stopped working. I HATE THAT!

Anyways, here was yesterday’s food:

January 7:

breakfast- 2 grapefruits

lunch- 3 bananas, salad with lots of romaine lettuce and lots of chopped celery

dinner- smoothie with 6 bananas, 6 dates, 3.5 cups of spinach, and water

snack – grapes

EXERCISE – no exercise… I needed a break!

TODAY, January 8:

breakfast- 2 grapefruits, 1 orange

lunch- 6 bananas wrapped in romaine lettuce leaves (banana burritos!)

dinner- smoothie with 5 bananas, 7 dates, 3.5 cups of spinach, and water

EXERCISE – I coached the junior high climbing team (as main coach this time!) and so I was demonstrating lots of moves and climbs for them… and I climbed afterwards by myself for about an hour.


Daniel Brayack said...

totally had 2 oranges for breakfast this morning - gonna do PBJ for lunch and then rice for dinner - another easy Vegan day for me.

I FEEL STRONG - I ran 38 minutes this morning - which is my longest in a long time...I'm feeling really good =)

Omegachuck said...

So how many days a week do you coach at the gym? Sounds busy for you now that school is back.